The Badvertising campaign reaches across borders is working in partnership with many international allies. It seeks to support and amplify the work done by partners across the globe, including members of Subvertisers International - an international network of individuals and organisations concerned with how advertising affects society. Below are some of the most recent initiatives taking place at different levels against high carbon advertising.
European Union - European Citizens’ Initiative to demand a ban on fossil advertising and sponsorship including adverts for fossil fuel companies, carmakers, airlines and maritime companies
France - Campaign by environmental groups for a tobacco style ban on advertising for fossil fuel industry, air travel and polluting cars.
Netherlands - Campaign for a tobacco style law to ban ads for big oil, air travel and cars with fossil fuel engines.
Belgium - A coalition of environmental groups campaign for a ban on all car advertising or at best on cars emitting more than 95g CO2/km and weighing more than 1400 kg.
Sweden - Campaign led by New Weather Sweden to end high-carbon advertising and sponsorship
United States - A pledge for PR and creatives to drop ties with fossil fuel firms
Canada - Campaign for a tobacco style law to ban ads for big oil, air travel and cars with fossil fuel engines.
Greenpeace activists handing out fake ‘fossil cigarettes’ to politicians in Stockholm following the launch of the ECI.
Policy proposals
France - Climate Citizen Assembly recommends a ban on adverts for high-carbon products such as cars consuming more than 4 litres/100km and/or emitting more than 95gr CO2/km.
United Kingdom - Climate Citizen Assembly recommends a ban on adverts for high carbon products and sectors.
Switzerland - The Swiss Climate Strike group recommends banning commercial advertising from all public physical spaces (streets, train stations, public transports etc.) and replace it with educational and artistic content.
France - On February 10th, the French parliament proposed a law that bans ads for fossil fuels (following the binding recommendations of the French Climate Assembly). From March 2022, all adverts for motorised vehicles will be bound to include one of the following messages: “For short journeys, opt for walking or cycling”, “Think about carpooling” or “In everyday life, take public transport”.
Parliamentary initiatives
United Kingdom - Green Party to end advertising for high carbon goods and services like SUVs and long haul flights.
Netherlands - Five political parties (ChristenUnie, GroenLinks, Pvda, Partij voor de Dieren en BIJ1) adopted a ban on fossil fuel ads in their election program (March 2021).
Municipal Council initiatives
- City of Amsterdam. On 17th December 2020, the majority of the city council in Amsterdam decided to ban all advertising and marketing events for fossil fuel companies and airlines.
- City of Rotterdam. Party for the Animals wants a ban on fossil fuel ads.
- City of The Hague. Three parties state they want a ban on fossil fuel ads.
- City of Utrecht. Party for the Animals wants a ban on fossil fuel ads.
- City of Nijmegen. GroenLinks and Party for the Animals wants a ban on fossil fuel ads.
- City of Zwolle. GroenLinks wants a ban on fossil fuel ads.
Activists inside Amsterdam’s central metro station following a ban on fossil fuel advertising. Photo credit: Romy Fernandez
United Kingdom
- Liverpool City Council passed a motion in January 2021 to review its advertising arrangements and implement a low carbon advertising policy. See page 15 of these council minutes.
- Norwich City Council passed a motion in July 2021 to implement an ethical advertising policy including restrictions on environmentally damaging products, junk food, gambling and payday loan products.
- North Somerset Council passed a motion in July 2021 to restrict advertising for high carbon products.
- City of Stockholm. In January 2021, the Green Party stated that they would like to investigate the possibility of a fossil ad ban in Stockholm. A month later the Social Democratic party in Stockholm put forward a motion with a proposal for a fossil ad ban in Stockholm.
- City of Göteborg. Three parties plead for an Amsterdam style ban of fossil fuel ads in the city.
- City of Regina, Saskatchewan. Councillor Daniel LeBlanc proposed a motion to ban fossil fuel ads. He encountered such fierce opposition, including threats, that he withdrew support.
- City of Geneva. The city’s council voted in favour of a citizens’ initiative demanding a ban on commercial advertising from 2025. Promotional activities for culture or events would not be concerned by this ban.