Call Out: Take action against aviation advertising

In the last run-up to gather signatures for the European Citizen Initiative to #BanFossilAds, the Subvertisers International Network and Brandalism are calling on anyone to join them in a week of action exposing airlines for their harmful and greenwash advertising. At Badvertising, we have been calling for a grounding of airline advertising. Check out resources and posters via the link below.

International week of action:
Saturday 10th – Saturday 17th September 2022

Join the Subvertisers International network and Brandalism in September 2022 to stand up against airline and airport advertising, as Europe burns under an unprecedented heatwave and our politicians, corporations and the advertising agencies that shill for fossil fuels continue to act like nothing is happening.


From 10th – 17th September 2022, citizens, activists and artists around Europe will be taking action to call for a ban on advertising for fossil fuels, including ads for profiteering energy giants, airlines and massive status-symbol cars.

“We know oil, gas and coal fuel war and the climate emergency. Then, why do they continue to have so much power to influence our lives and politics? Thanks to their misleading advertising and sponsorships, fossil fuel companies earn the social acceptance and political access they need to block climate action and continue with business as usual.”

As the movement to #BanFossilAds continues to grow, we will take action against advertising that is pushing extra flights in a climate emergency, using greenwash and promises of false solutions to drive up ticket sales, airport expansions and aviation industry profits. Aviation is one of the most climate-harming sectors with no meaningful commitments to reduce emissions or to securing a just transition for workers. Flying is an elite activity, that is only accessible to a minority of people but is harming so many more. Our actions will call out this contradiction.

We invite you to participate in actions across Europe, as we seek to connect with groups to create a future beyond fossil fuels, greenwashing and the exploitative practices of fossil capitalism. Whether you choose to alter, replace or remove corporate ads, host a community workshop, or organise a demonstration at an airport or advertising agency – whether your tactics are public or clandestine – get in on the action.



Are you interested in creating artworks for this project before 12th August 2022? Check the artist brief and get in touch at

If you are in the EU, sign the European Citizens Initiative to #BanFossilAds.



Featured AirFrance artwork by Matt Bonner

Emilie Tricarico