Badvertising campaign launches

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Today, we’re launching a new campaign against high carbon advertising - that’s advertising for climate-wrecking products such as SUVs, air travel and fossil fuels. In the face of a climate emergency, it’s time to free ourselves from the marketing pressures to buy polluting products.

Our petition to end SUV advertising is part of a broader campaign against high carbon advertising that we’ll be building over the coming years.  The ‘Badvertising’ campaign is a project between the New Weather Institute and Possible.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Read our short case-study on how the battle against tobacco advertising was won over many decades - and what we can learn to challenge the power of fossil fuel promotions today. 

Take action at a local level. Local councils have control over lots of advertising spaces in the UK - such as the digital advertising screens and some transport infrastructure like bus stops.  We’ve developed a model motion for councillors to propose a ‘Low Carbon Advertising Policy’ at your local authority. Write to your local councillor here. 

Stop a new digital advertising screen in your area. Digital advertising screens require a huge amount of energy to run and most of the adverts are only affordable to huge corporations with big marketing budgets. They are often of little benefit to local communities. Read our case study of how one residents campaign in Bristol stopped 25 digital billboards - and find out how you can achieve something similar where you are

Register for the Adfree Cities national online conference - Saturday 7th November 2020.

We’ll be joining the Adfree Cities network for their annual conference - bring together campaigners and community activists from across Britain to look at how we can overcome the problems and dominance of consumer advertising in our lives. Register for the free conference here.  

Robbie Gillett